6330/7320/7340/7380 紧凑型台式恒温槽
6330/7320/7340/7380 紧凑型台式恒温槽,稳定性与均匀性均优于 ±0.008℃。计量级性能,适合实验室使用,便于工作台或工作推车使用...
7008/7040/7037/7012/7011 低温恒温槽
7008/7040/7037/7012/7011 低温恒温槽的稳定性可达±0.0007°C,“超级微调”功能可提供0.00003 °C 的设定点分辨率...
6054/6055/7007 Deep-Well Baths
Get constant liquid levels using Fluke’s 6054/6055/7007 Deep-Well baths along with optional interface packages to control all settings....
7911A2 Constant Temperature Ice Bath
7912A2 Constant temperature bath from Fluke Calibration is an easy and affordable zero point source for calibrating temperature sensors....